The general information regarding Frequency & Voltage

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What is the frequency?

It is known as the number of events occurring in a specific unit of time. You have seen using this word many times by your physics teacher and when you enter your high school. It is a very basic concept and is used by everyone. This topic comes up after the second or third class. You can never be a true physicist if you don’t have a command on the Force topic and its subtopics. Moreover one can also define frequency as the number of waves passing through a given place in a specific time. So, it's the time required for a wave to pass on.

Types of frequency:

There are three types of frequency:

  1. Temporal frequency: 
  2. Spatial frequency
  3. Angular frequency

SI Unit







Pendulum and oscillation are one of the most common examples of frequency. They are the first practice you will have to do in your physics lesson.

A person blinking his eye 47 times in a minute is another perfect example of frequency. Graphs and frequency distribution are used for its calculation.

Importance of frequency

This term has many usages and one can implement it in several different ways. Let's see some of the factors:

  1. Theoretical physicist needs to have proper control of frequency and its applications as it will make your life very easy.
  2. Experimentation: When you are planning new experiments and going through different procedures one needs to check the frequency.

Meteorology department: 

Geologists who study earth and rocks need to have complete control over the frequency and its alterations. It will tell you what's going on deep down in the earth. If this frequency is difficult to calculate manually one can always use the online frequency calculators for cross-products. It will just take five or six seconds. Now, let's move to the second important part of the article known as voltage

What is voltage?

The difference in the electrical difference between the two points is known as voltage. The electrical potential difference between two points is the work needed for moving a test charge particle between two points. The unit derived for voltage is known as volt. Joules per coulomb where 1 volt=1 joule per 1 coulomb. SI definition of volt uses power and current. We call it joules per coulomb. Lambda V is usually used for the voltage symbol. This is in correspondence with the Ohm's law.





I= current

R= resistance


Following are the common symbols of voltage:

V, ∆V, U, ∆U

How can we measure it?

A voltmeter is used for measuring the voltage of any two points. It plays a basic rule. In practical physics, voltage plays a huge role in circuit making. Without it, you are unable to complete a circuit. A lot of voltmeters are placed inside an experiment to check the controlled voltage thus current in the circuit.


Your hair standing up and kids playing in the bouncing area are both examples of the voltage. They make you feel charged. All the electricity present in your home is due to the voltage. If it's not set then you will have no bulbs, fan or anything. It all narrows down to the voltage in the end.

You are going to have thousands of numerical in your physics class involving the voltage and its derivations. So you need to learn it very carefully. On the other hand, if you are feeling tired and don’t want to calculate separate voltage then there are several online Voltage Divider Calculators for voltage measurement. They will give you the result in just a few seconds. 

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