The Benefits of Converting Excel to PDF and PDF To PowerPoint Format

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Excel files are an excellent way of keeping track of a variety of data and statistics. Due to the versatility of the software, the executive summary of several data with just a few commands could easily be generated. It is very efficient in collecting data and reporting information. For the sake of data and report management most businesses prefer Microsoft Excel as their go-to tool. 

However, the MS Excel required too be dealt carefully. In case a formula is being used to enter information, it is necessary to make sure that it cannot be altered later on. If you make even one mistake, the whole summary will be destroyed. 

For instance, you must keep all the files in a safe format. For this very reason it is necessary to convert your Excel files to PDF format so that your reports and essential data is kept secure.

Other than keeping your files secure some other benefits of converting the MS Excel files to PDF include:

Data Protection

It is a universal truth that PDF files can’t be annotated and for instance it is the key feature of the format. And as a matter of fact the Excel sheets of course could easily be edited in comparison to PDF. 

And when you are done with your data collection and report writing in spreadsheet and require no further editing then it is best option to convert it into PDF. Thus before sharing your stats and reports created in convert xls to pdf files to keep them safe and secure.

Formatting and Formulas Are Kept Permanent

By converting your Excel files to PDF you'll be sure that all the formulas on your Excel spreadsheet are secured since it can’t be edited in PDF. It can save the details in the file exactly the same way as if you've digitally printed it. Also, in addition, PDF preserves the cell formatting such as font size and color in your spreadsheets just like an e-book. And the best thing is, it maintains the original quality of the spreadsheet. 

Easily Accessible

As it is supported on all operating systems, including Microsoft Windows, Safari, Chrome, and Firefox, as well as all web browsers, including Edge, it can be used on all iOS as well, iPads, iMacs, and iPhones. Thus you can view and access a PDF documents on any kind of computer or handheld devices in case your device isn’t compatible to Excel. 

Password protection

You can also encrypt a password on the PDF to secure your spreadsheet after conversion. Only the person with whom you share file password would be able to view and access file contents. A PDF files with passwords will usually show a dialogue box before opening. Password-protected ensures if anyone without the appropriate credentials tried to access it, they would be unable to do so. 

Universal Version

The PDF software has a universal version in contrast to Excel sheets which provide various features and functions depending upon the version. Due to the multi-release versions of Excel, the latest features are unlikely to be issued to the older versions. If anyone is using an older version of Excel, this might affect your data. And if you've already converted the document into a PDF, anyone can open it and can have the same display and data. 

Consolidate the data and files in order to minimize data and processing redundancy

Make sure that monthly reports and invoices of your business are kept appropriately. It's an unsafe idea to keep these files as an Excel sheet for a longer. Converting it to PDF would allow you to handle those files more effectively and securely. 

Moreover, after converting the Excel files to PDF you are also able to merge PDF files and records. Merging the files will benefit you a lot while you're working on different reports of a single concern.

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